Resilience 365 Conference

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The UM Climate Resilience Institute, in partnership with Miami Dade County, will host a two-day conference to bring together communities and thought leaders to catalyze action related to driving tech innovation, financing resilience infrastructure, and fostering healthy communities. The conference is part of the inaugural Miami Climate Week hosted by Miami Climate 365 with activations and events intended to spark conversation and grow community networks around resilience.

Conference Themes

Climate & Resilience Finance

The next frontier in innovative approaches to funding and financing infrastructure projects for stronger communities.

Healthy Planet, Resilient Communities

Connecting conservation and local resilience thought and practice to look holistically at how we can build more sustainable, equitable and resilient communities.

Technology & Innovation

How climate tech can resolve the most pressing global challenges.

Please note, the agenda and speakers are subject to change. 

*- Invited Speakers, Confirmation Pending 

**- Title subject to change


Day 1: March 24, 2025

Open All Tabs

Day 2: March 25, 2025

Open All Tabs


The conference will take place from March 24-25 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (both days) at the Lakeside Village Expo Center, in addition to a few surrounding buildings. 

Address below:

University of Miami Lakeside Village Expo Center

1280 Stanford Dr, Coral Gables, FL 33146

Map of Lakeside Village

Public Transit

  • Metrorail: The University Metrorail station stops directly at the University of Miami. More information on times and fares at the Miami-Dade County Metrorail website.
  • Metro-Bus: The routes connecting you to campus are Route 48Route 56Route 57, and Route 500. Find the most convenient route at the Miami-Dade County Metro-Bus Schedules
  • Tri-Rail: You can connect to the University of Miami from Tri-Rail at the Metrorail Transfer station. From there, you can take the Metrorail Green Line to the University Metrorail station or the Civic Center Metrorail station. More information on times and fares at the Tri-Rail website.

Ridesharing Services

Uber and Lyft are available. Please note, you will need access to the internet on your cellphone and will need to register accounts with these companies in order to request a driver. Set the destination to Lakeside Village Expo Center.


If you are close enough to the University, we encourage you to walk or bike! The Underline path is a biking and walking path that runs parallel to US 1 for several miles under the Miami Metrorail from Brickell to Coral Gables. There are also sidewalks and bike lanes around the main roads leading to the University in addition to bike racks at multiple locations on campus.

Paid parking is available all around the University of Miami Coral Gables campus. See below a map with options closest to the Lakeside Village Expo Center.

Speakers (Partial List)

Esber Andiroglu

University of Miami

Professor of Practice
Director of Murphy Construction Program, Civil & Architectural Engineering

Yoca Arditi-Rocha

The CLEO Institute

Executive Director

Andrew Baker

University of Miami

Professor & Director, Coral Reef Futures Lab

Stonly Baptiste Blue

Third Sphere

Co-Founder and Managing Partner

Jainey Bavishi

(Former) NOAA

Former Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Deputy Administrator

Mike Beck

University of California, Santa Cruz

Director, Center of Coastal Climate Resilience

Rebecca Benner

The Nature Conservancy

Managing Director for Climate Programs

Aruni Bhatnagar

University of Louisville

Professor of Medicine

Chief, Division of Environmental Medicine

Director, Christina Lee Brown Environmental Institute/ American Heart Association Tobacco Regulation Center

Eugénie Birch

University of Pennslyvania - Weitzman School of Design


Chair, City Planning Graduate Group

Co-Director, Penn Institute for Urban Research



Alexandro Bolaños

Miami-Dade County Housing & Community Development

Real Estate Asset Manager

Terri-Ann Brown

Miami Tech Works


Jeb Brugmann

Resilient Cities Catalyst

Founding Principal

Cinnamon Carlarne

Albany Law School

President and Dean, Professor of Law

Leesa Carter-Jones

Captain Planet Foundation

President and CEO

Meenakshi Chabba

Everglades Foundation

Ecosystem and Resilience Scientist

Aziza Chaouni

University of Toronto

Associate Professor

Founding Principal, Aziza Chaouni Projects

Frances Colón

Center of American Progress

Senior Fellow, International Climate

Catherine Compitello


Chief Executive Officer

Mike Crowley

Quantified Ventures

Senior Director

Meg Daly

The Underline

Founder, Executive Chair

Steve Davis

The Everglades Foundation

Chief Science Officer

Francesca de Quesada Covey

Miami-Dade County

Chief Innovation & Economic Development Officer

Joanna de Velasco

University of Miami

Managing Executive Director, Strategic Philanthropy

Sherrell Dorsey

TED Tech Podcast



Susannah Drake

DLAND Studio

Principal and Founder

Rodolphe el-Khoury

University of Miami

Dean, School of Architecture

Scotney Evans

University of Miami

Associate Professor, School of Education and Human Development

Katrina Fischer Kuh

Pace University

Haub Distinguished Professor of Environmental Law

Abigail Fleming

University of Miami

Lecturer and Associate Director of Environmental Justice Clinic

Guillermo Franco

Guy Carpenter

Managing Director & Global Head of Cat Risk Research

Anya Freeman

Kind Designs

Founder and CEO

Adam Friedman


Co-founder, Chief Revenue Officer, Principal Investigator

Jane Gilbert

Miami-Dade County

Chief Heat Officer

Elizabeth Greig

University of Miami - Miller School

Co-Director, Global Institute for Community Health

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Rebecca Gruby

University of Miami

Professor & Director of the Johnson Center for Marine Conservation

Stephen Hammer

New York Climate Exchange

Chief Executive Officer

Elle Hempen

Tailwind Climate


Keith Hirokawa

Albany Law School

Distinguished Professor of Law

Lolita Jackson

Sustainable Development Capital LLP

Executive Director, Sustainable Cities

Shannon Jones

Frost Science

Senior Director of Conservation & Biological Programs Department Administration

Robin Keegan

(Former) FEMA

Former Associate Administrator for Resilience (Acting)

Stephen Keppel

Pvblic Foundation


Angela Kyle


Vice President, Sustainability Client Partnerships

Marice Leal

The Nature Conservancy

Coastal Wetlands Strategy Associate

Joanna Lombard

University of Miami

Distinguished Professor, School of Architecture

Kate MacKenzie

NYC Mayor's Office of Food Policy

Executive Director

Catherine Macdonald

University of Miami

Director of the Shark Research and Conservation Program (SRC)

Research Assistant Professor, Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science

Benjamin McNeil

Swiss Re

Senior Client Advisor

Erin Meezan


Chief Sustainability Officer

Executive Director, JLL Foundation

Richard Miller

South Florida Defense Alliance

Executive Director

Arnoud Molenaar

Square Floating City

Global Director Resilience and Partnerships

Dylan Monroe

Space Eyes


Timothy Norris

University of Miami Libraries, Institute for Data Science and Computing (IDSC)

Data Scientist

Henk Ovink

Global Commission on the Economics of Water

Executive Director

Jessica Owley

University of Miami

Professor and Director of Environmental Law Program

Loren Parra

Miami-Dade County

Chief Resilience Officer

Jen Posner

University of Miami

Director of Programs, Climate Resilience Institute

Jose Prado

Gresham Smith

Healthcare Studio Lead

Dharma Proctor

University of Miami

Sustainability Coordinator

Delaney Reynolds

University of Miami

JD/PhD Student

Founder and CEO, The Sink or Swim Project

CJ Reynolds

Florida Housing Coalition

Director of Resilience and Disaster Recovery

Mauricio Rodas

University of Pennsylvania - Weitzman School of Design

Visiting Fellow, Penn Institute for Urban Research

Former Mayor of Quito, Ecuador

Victoria Salinas

(Former) FEMA

Former Deputy Administrator for Resilience

Mathew Sanders

The Pew Charitable Trusts

Senior Officer, U.S Conservation

Jon Schnur

America Achieves

Chief Executive Officer

Laurie Schoeman

Partners for the Common Good

Chief Investment and Impact Officer

Janisse Schoepp

Health Foundation of South Florida

Chief Strategy Officer

Russel Sillmon

Miami-Dade Innovation Authority

Product Pilot Manager

Anastasia Simon


Managing Director, WaterTech & Sustainability

Lauren Sorkin

Resilient Cities Network

Co-Founder and Executive Director

Martina Spolini

Rebuilding Together Miami-Dade

Executive Director

Geoffrey Supran

University of Miami

Associate Professor & Director of Climate Accountability Lab

Prannoy Suraneni

University of Miami

Associate Professor of Civil and Architectural Enigineering
Head, Advanced Cement Chemistry, Engineering, Sustainability, and Science Lab (ACCESS)

Tee Thomas

Quantified Ventures

Chief Executive Officer

Vincent J. Torres

University of Miami

Executive Director, Emergency Management

Associate Director, Disaster Management, Global Institute for Community Health and Development University of Miami Health System & Miller School of Medicine

Galen Treuer

Miami-Dade County

Climate Tech and Economic Innovation Manager

Alexis Trittipo

McKinsey & Company


Lynée Turek-Hankins

Dartmouth College

Postdoctoral Fellow, Thayer School of Engineering and the Department of Earth Sciences

Rob Verchick

Loyola University, New Orleans

Chair and Professor of Environmental Law

Marta Viciedo

Knight Foundation

Director, Miami

Enrique Villamor

Florida International University

Professor and Associate Director, Environmental Finance and Risk Management

Haoluan Wang

University of Miami

Assistant Professor, Sustainable Economics

Director, Undergraduate Studies Department of Geography and Sustainable Development

Faculty Affiliate, Department of Economics, Miami Herbert Business School


